


                                                                                 (A) Stinky Tofu (臭豆腐)


Recently western gourmets have listed “stinky tofu” as one of the most sickening and notorious Taiwanese cuisines. On the contrary, stinky tofu is very popular with the natives, men or women, young or old. They tend to regard it as the typical Taiwanese cuisine.


Every man has his taste. There is no accounting for taste. One man’s meat may be another man’s poison. In fact, we may add peas, pickles and meat to stinky tofu and change it to a very gook-looking, colorful, delicious and tempting dish.


The ex-president Chen Shuei-ban, for example, used to entertain his important guests with improved stinky tofu in the formal national banquets. The guests yielded themselves to yummy stinky tofu. The special flavor of stinky tofu won the guests’ hearts.


I also find stinky tofu to my liking. Every time I go to the restaurant, I always order stinky tofu. And I enjoy it to my heart’s content.


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                                          (B) Pearl Milk Tea (珍珠奶茶)


In tradition, December 22 is the Chinese Reunion Festival every year. Round is symbolic of the family reunion. The Chinese are accustomed to eating rice dumplings (湯圓) to celebrate the festival. Pearl milk tea is something like rice dumplings, but it is more popular in Taiwan. Pearl milk tea is as round but not so big in size. It is not white but black or brown in color.  


Pearl milk tea is famous far and wide here in Taiwan. It is regarded as a delicious drink and it is popular with Taiwanese, men or women, young or old, in particular, on hot summer days. Pearl milk tea can be said to be one of the typical Taiwanese cuisine drinks.


I am told that round pearl balls symbolize reunion and milk tea stands for rich and abundant life. Being rich is the very aim that Taiwanese are struggling for. I myself have found pearl milk tea to my liking. I am a loyal customer of pearl milk tea. I feel in low spirits without enjoying at least a cup of pearl milk tea in a week.


Every time Taiwanese come back to Taiwan from foreign countries, they are impatient to taste cups of pearl milk tea to their hearts’ content. And when they go back to their homes on the foreign lands, they take pearl milk tea with them. Thanks to the introduction and recommendation of overseas Taiwanese, pearl milk tea has become world-wide famous. Where there are Taiwanese, there is pearl milk tea selling.


    創作者 黃老爹 的頭像


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